I’ve had 2 instances now where I’ve kept an item around by marking it as unread, until 14 days it. Then, even after I’ve marked the item as read, it still stays in the feed.
Specifically, I have my feed setting set to only show unread stories. There can be 0 unread stories, and these 2 items from 2 different feeds will still show up in those different feeds. Its not a huge issue, but I always have to scroll past them (with Oldest First sorting) to get to new content.
I tried to mark them as unread, so I could read them to see if it would go away, but both stories come up with a little bubble saying:
“Story is more than 14 days old. Premiums can mark unread up to 30 days.”
Which makes me think I’ve accidentally triggered the system to keep the two stories loaded at all times, since I’m a regular user and had it marked as unread right up until the 14th day?
I’ve tried instafetching, I’ve tried manually reloading the XML, the only thing I have not tired is completely deleting the feeds and adding them again (next step I guess) but I thought I would report it before that.
Site 1: http://www.maximumpc.com/rss/ (http://www.newsblur.com/site/10074/ma…)
Item 1: http://www.maximumpc.com/dedicated-ga…
(from September 9th)
Site 2: http://wololo.net/feed/ (http://www.newsblur.com/site/1652515/…)
Item 2: http://wololo.net/2015/09/16/playstat…
So to recap, all other feeds that have no unread stories will say that when I select them “No stories to read”, but those two feeds always show those two items, even when set to show only unread stories.
Hope thats enough information! This has been going on for nearly a week now. If you need more info, let me know.