iPad app: Send links from fetched items to Pocket

I have a feature request for the NewsBlur iPad/iPhone app.
The thing is, I get a lot of links in my feeds: sometimes it’s a link to related stories, sometimes it’s a list of interesting posts, that I want to read.
What I need is the ability to save all this hyperlinks to my Pocket account. The most obvious way to implement this - make the “send to” menu pop up after a long touch on the link.

With best regards,

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It already does… If you tap on the gear above the story you wan to share (right hand side), and then tap on I think it’s “Send Story” (I know it’s not “Share Story”, but something along those lines), the option for Pocket is there. Just make sure you set up Pocket in your iPad’s general settings, in advance.

Yes, I know, that you can send story to pocket, but it sends only the one, that I’ve got from the feed.
What I’m talking about is the ability to send links, that are inside the story.