iOS missing stories from All Stories view (web working correctly)

The iOS app (version 10.0.1) seems to consistent “leave out” many stories from the All Stories view. When I scroll through the feed list in iOS, I can see that there are many feeds with new stories, but when I go to All Stories, it will be empty. To be clear, some stories do appear in All Stories, but even if I read them all, there will be many stories still left unread overall. So far, I haven’t worked out whether entire feeds are somehow excluded, or if it’s something more random than that.

When I switch to the web app and go to the All Site Stories view, I am able to correctly see the ones that were missing from iOS.

On iOS, the All Stories view is set to Oldest, Unread Only, which sounds correct. The feed list overall is set to All mode at the bottom (not Focus).

My account is jryans. Thanks for a great service! :smile:

For some reason, many (but not all) of the feeds missing from All Stories on iOS seem to be Twitter accounts.