I use NewsBlur professionally, to keep up with developments in my field. I have written positive reviews of NewsBlur and mentioned it in articles for a major news site, under a pseudonym.
I sometimes share stories in case someone wants to read about what interested me.
I don’t want to be emailed with trolls’ comments on things that I said. I don’t want to see trolls’ comments on my dashboard every time I log in. I don’t want to “interact” at all with any other NewsBlur user.
“Interactions” is at the top of my dashboard, and there’s no way for me to hide it.
I’m going to migrate to another service and stop using NewsBlur if this does not change. I am aware that I could use GreaseMonkey. I don’t want to set it up on every browser I use, and I don’t want there to be a conflict of interests between me and the developers wherein I am repeatedly coaxed or tricked (Google+ style) into being “social” when I’m antisocial.