In focus view, add a little helper note with link to "unread" when there are no items matching the filters

In the current state, displaying a feed which has unread items, but none to focus on will show just an empty screen, when in focus mode.

It could be interesting to add a message like “There are no more ‘focused’ items for this feed. Do you want to switch to unread view?” (Or something with a more appropriate grammar, obviously, excuse my French. Literally)

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Yup, just added this to both and the new iOS app. It’ll be coming to Android soon, too.

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Ohh, you mean per-feed, not if you have 0 focus stories in your feed list. Yeah, this is a reasonable feature request. I don’t think many people are switching back and forth all that much. Also, you shouldn’t be able to open a feed when in Focus mode unless that feed has focus stories.

You can, though. Any time you finish reading all focused items, of course, but also when you want to try or add a new feed. If you are in focus view, you just see… nothing. (And the focus filter still tries to parse the whole feed for stories to show, as pointed in this other suggestion:…)