Importing from google reader - how far back does it go?

Same thing here… have a ton, and only have about 1000 imported supposedly… yeah 1140ish looks like what mine is too… have thousands.

Ah I had less than 1,000,

I wish I did! It would obviously make life easier! :slight_smile:

Anyone looking at this thread? This is kind of a dealbreaker for me, since I am going to lose A LOT of starred items. I’m actively looking for a new service now that will pick up all of my stories.

I also have a lot of starred items that I can’t seem to get over. It did import what seems to be 10 random saved stories, but no idea where they came from.

I also have a few feeds with a few hundred of unread items and NONE of those were apparently imported. Was really hoping they would, moreso than the starred items. Ah well.

Edit: Ah, I see from page one of the replies (didn’t see that before) that you have to ask for the team to manually import the rest of your starred items. Wonder if the same applies to old unread items.

For everybody asking for their starred stories, go to > Manage > Import.


Is this only for paid users? I can’t see “Manage” if I got to

Worked fine for me! I’m not a paid user atm. Thank you.

the little gearwheel icon at bottom left, that’s the “Manage”

Ok, thanks. I found that now, but get a message:
“You are subscribed to at least 19 sites.
And you have 422 saved stories.
There are too many sites and stories to process…
You will be emailed within a minute or three.”

But then the email says:
"Good news! NewsBlur has finished importing your starred stories from Google Reader. You are now subscribed to 19 sites and have 424 saved stories. "


Why the confusion? It took more than a few seconds, so NewsBlur retrieved as many stories as it could (424) and emailed you. That’s all there is, isn’t it?

Hey Samuel,
It was just the line "There are too many sites and stories to process… "

I took it to mean that it wasn’t going to do it, as opposed to “this is going to take a little time”. So the confusion was all mine!

Has definitely brought them all in so I am very happy. Thank you!

I’m getting Javascript errors in IE 9. I’m able to click the gearwheel, and click on the Upload/Import, but nothing happens when I click that option in the menu. No further menu or page shows up, just the errors.

More importantly it… it doesn’t copy over all your starred items. It only got like 1600 of my 6k