I thought 30 days of feeds were available (premium) but Dec 9 just got cut off (on Jan 4)

I thought 30 days of feeds were available but I just noticed today that Dec 9 (which was the oldest I had been seeing) just got cut off and the oldest showing in “All Site Stories” is Dec 10. (This is on Jan 4.) 

Actually … I’m not sure when Dec 9 got cut off, might have been 2 days ago.

Anyway … is this intentional?  Thanks! – David

P.S. Newsblur is absolutely great, no question about it.  I’m not even using most of your features, just basic feed reading with no sharing, but for that, its tops.  Thanks!


You might be having the same problem I was having here.  Basically, NB only keeps as unread 500 items of each feed, so if the feed reaches 500 items before 30 days stories are lost.

Ah.  That might explain it.  Guess I’ll have to change my reading habits …
