i lost a feed with all my keywords

i lost a feed with all my keywords.(more than 200) Is there a way to get him back?
I dont know how it happened, maybe he was accidently deleted in the iphone app. The deleting option is on the first place in the iphone menu you can hit it accidentally.

Does Newsblur has a backup?

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I do have a backup. Whats your username and what’s the feed? Ideally you can give me the newsblur.com/site/FEED_ID url when you open the feed from the web app.

username bbnews

i dont know the old feed id anymore. i added the feed again. now he is empty without my keywords http://www.newsblur.com/site/5672762/…. i hope you can find my old feed with my keywords.

Can you email me an example of some of the titles? I found 2,500 title classifiers under your account. So I just need to find the original feed id to transfer them over. samuel@newsblur.com