How to see only ignored items

In NewsBlur I have categorized some phrases in the “Intelligence Trainer” as “Bad”.
Now all news that matches these phrases have a red dot.

Is there a way to see just that red marked news?
This way I can quickly overlook them and see, if there is any relevant news, that has a red dot.
Then I would like to mark all news with a red dot (and only those news) as read.

You can hit the “Show Hidden Stories” button in the folder/feed title bar and that will show ignored items. But there’s no way to only show ignored items. There used to be about 12 years ago, but I removed it as people used the system as a three-tier classifier instead of hiding stories. I feel that being able to see hidden stories but not make them part of the regular experience is the best and least confusing experience, as hidden stories are handled very differently from unread and focus stories.

Sad, that you removed this feature some years ago, would be really useful.