How to remove "all shared stories" section on Android?

In the web version of Newsblur and on iOS, there’s no “all shared stories” section in my sidebar. But in the Android app, there is.

Is there a way to remove the “all shared stories” section on Android? I keep on clicking on it by accident when I’m trying to tap “infrequent site stories”.

The All Shared Stories feed appears when you are following people and they have published stories, even if those stories are all read (you may want to go back to reading stories previously read and shared). You’d have to unfollow everybody to remove that feed. I’m not sure why it doesn’t show on iOS and the web. Can you confirm you’re not following anybody? And what’s your username if you’re not?

I’m not following anyone – my username is (redacted)

Thanks so much, you found a bug! We’ll get it fixed soon, as we’re about to roll out the beta, so the Android app will be getting a nice design evolution.

Here’s the ticket:

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Awesome! In case it’s helpful, I do see stories in the “all shared stories” section but I don’t know where they’re coming from since I don’t follow anyone.

i don’t think “anyone who’s following someone wants the all shared stories category to be visible” is a good assumption to make, since following someone is currently the only way to block all their posts in global and that’s the ONLY reason i follow anyone.

Good point about the reasons to follow. I think a better solution for that is to add a mute option to hide comments from users. I’ll prioritize that next and see if I can get it out on the beta site next week.

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comments for some people who use this function, but for me it’s posts. i can filter against a feed someone shares from, but somehow people can also share things to global directly and that’s most of what i want gone.

This has been fixed in the NewsBlur Android app’s open beta, v11.0 beta 5. Let me know how that works out!