We don’t exactly support linking to profiles, but your blueblog is your public url. Mine is samuel.newsblur.com . Your’s is listed in your profile above.
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@samuelclay , if Discourse Solved - Plugin - Discourse Meta were installed, I’d mark your response as the answer. Thanks.
opened 10:55PM - 20 Apr 24 UTC
As https://forum.newsblur.com/t/how-to-link-to-newsblur-profile-with-uri/10207/2… ?u=rokejulianlockhart explains, both
> ![image](https://github.com/samuelclay/NewsBlur/assets/42837531/7730e4dd-7299-4dc7-afef-7ea21a91925a)
and https://rokejulianlockhart.newsblur.com/ exist. However, the profile displays more useful information. This is problematic, because I'd like a URI to this information so that others can view it.
A potential solution is https://github.com/samuelclay/NewsBlur/issues/1859#issue-2254753070, but I'd prefer to have the "profile" merely display an `<iframe>` of the subdomain, properly styled and displaying the same information.