How do you sort folders in Chrome?

When I use newsblur in Chrome, my folders are not in alphabetical order.  Is there any way to remedy this? The orderis correct in FF, Safari, and the app but for some reason not on Chrome. This has irked me for a while.  Let me know if there’s a fix.

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Can you test after you disable your extensions, and if it’s still broken, post a screenshot? I don’t see anything like this and I use NewsBlur with Chrome every day…

I’ve seen it across a few machines.  It may be due to the amount of feeds I have.  Screenshot attached.

Could you try my first suggestion?  It is possible one of your extensions is causing the problem.  Go to chrome://extensions and uncheck everything, then open NewsBlur in a new tab.  As Chrome can sync your extensions between multiple computers, you may be reproducing the problem on all of them that way…