how do i terminate my account?

Why do you want to delete? If it’s related to speed or some other gripes, try looking at first - the new look is sleeker & quicker.

If you’re sure you want to delete:

From the Settings menu in the bottom-left, select “Account”. There’s an option “Delete my account” at the bottom of the window. It’s permanent, and will deal a permanent -10 blow to your karma, so use it with caution.


How do I terminate my account if I am currently on the waiting list for a free account? I do not see a settings menu.

a) posting the same thing twice doesn’t help
b) if you don’t have an account yet, then there is nothing to delete.

Obviously I’m not understanding something. I have a username and password, with an email associated with it. I can login with this information (that’s why I consider this having an account), which directs me to a page saying I can wait for an available spot to use NewsBlur for free, or pay to go premium. When my turn comes to have a free account, I don’t want it. Sure, I could wait until my turn comes around, log in, and then delete the account, but I would prefer to do so now if it’s possible.

Same here - I signed up and then found out I’d have to wait in line or pay. I am not comfortable paying for something just to find out if I like it or not as the ‘try newsblur’ thing didn’t really give me a good idea if it’s what I’d be comfortable using. Now I can’t go delete the account apparently until my turn is up. How do we delete a non-premium, not quite yet a full free user account?