How do I get this View again?

Attached I have some screenshot/s of the NB View i had when i first started using.

3-cols/Panes - Feed List/Article List/Article View.

Although i have tried all sorts of View options, i can not create this View again.

So what View options should I use to create this View?

That’s the stories on the Left setting under the Style menu. I’d show a screenshot but I’m mobile right now.

Why is everything underlined? Do you have custom css?

hi there
thanks for response

do you mean"Stories on the RIGHT"?

so i have a FEEDS List on the LHS.

a sorted Article List or thumbnail Grid in inner LHS Panel

and Article View on RHS.

as per screenshot, in this version, i wanted Articles to open - in full - on the RHS. not having an extract embedded in the Article List

an alternative View would be to have a Thumbnail Grid covering centre and RHS, with Article View to open in full ass an ‘overlay’ over the top of the Article Grid, and back to Article Grid when Article is closed - the thinking here is that user cannot BOTH check Article List AND rad an Article. :wink:

cheers & thanks


i hadn’t even noticed

i imagine it is a setting somewhere that says to always underline links. that might be a local browser setting

