Ghost unread items

If you notice this happening again, please start a new topic with a detailed subject line. It seems that the problem is no longer the original one discussed here. Besides, the code has changed so much, posting on this thread won’t help get it resolved. Just started a new thread with a specific subject line.

This has been happening a bit more often lately for me.

Some tips for potential debugging and/or repro’ing for the devs:

  1. Hacker News *loves* to do this
  2. It looks like the ‘ghost’ story will actually stick around until you hit Ctrl-A, no matter how many times you load the feed, sometimes.
  3. This does reliably trigger the “OMG load all the stories as far back as we can find” bug, even with the Start With Oldest Unread option removed. (which, as you know, I miss)