Gestures or layout customization in Android app

Hello there! First, thank you so much for developing this app. Over the years I’ve tried many sites and ways to obtain the news. I’ve tried different RSS apps but none of them quite do it for me, always something missing, or some problem, etc, but this app is really great. It’s the perfect blend of everything I was looking for!

I couldn’t find recent posts about this but I was wondering if there gestures in the Android app? Or is there a way to move the Story/Feed button from the left to the right? I read right handed and it’s a stretch to get to that button to flip back and forth between story/feed. Just curious if there is a way to further customize the layout of the app or if there are gestures we can use?


Glad you’re enjoying NewsBlur! I agree, I love it and when I check in on the alternatives, I’m always questioning their decisions.

What gestures would you like to see? We already support swipe gestures on story titles. We also have full story gestures for swiping between stories.

Can you post an annotated screenshot with what you’re seeing and would like to change? @andrei is super responsive to these types of requests and it’s always nice to improve the user experience, esp. through gestures.

Sure thing. I see now that you already have gestures so what about these two ideas instead?

  1. Is there a way to move the buttons in the bottom tray area around and choose what buttons would be present? For myself I don’t use the next and back buttons so I would remove those and move the Story/Feed button over in it’s place to the right (boxes in red in my image). Also having a button down there for Original Story could be nice.
  2. Alternately, I’ve seen on some RSS apps the ability to just double click on the text area(in yellow in my image) to flip back and forth between feed mode and story mode. Just makes it easier to flip back and forth between those two modes as I find myself doing that a lot depending on the feed I’m on.

We have double tap to open the original story on iOS. Would be good to have that be a preference and also include an option to set it to story/text toggle. @andrei do we already have a feature in double tap?

There are no double tap feature at the moment in the app.

The current available features are are under Preferences → Gestures