Gestures in Android application

I see that discussion has happened on adding the iOS application swipe gestures to the story list in the Android application (; however I cannot see the configuration options in the most recent stable release.

The last post in the tracker was over a year ago now. Were these features incorporated, or are they due soon? I’ve been using Newsblur since the Google Reader shut down and been waiting for this to be added since.


Yes, the Android-App’s handling is really long-winded, compared to, hmm,  e v e r y  other android feedreader and, of course, the Newsblur’s IOS-app: No gestures, no pictures in the feedlist, no way to shut off annoying comfirmations (“mark as read?”). I’ve been waiting for three years now.

We’re all ears for these sorts of features. Sternenstaub, if you want specific features, I recommend heading to and create an issue with the ‘Android’ tag. Each individual feature request as a separate issue. That’s the surest way to get Android features in so we can prioritize them.

Thx for your reply. I don’t think there’s a need to be explicit in such a manner (i. e. opening another ticket on github, considering the plenty of entries), because you already know about the android app’s shortcomings. To make myself perfectly clear: NB’s web site is near to perfect, the IOS app is excellent, and the android app (imho) falls short. So my former remark should be considered as a general attempt to take up the cudgels for the android app/users.