In Settings/Newsblur, some labels in the settings are cut making some of them incomprehensible:
‘Backgroung App…’
‘Swipe feed and story t…’
‘Show feeds after bein…’
This is likely due to having Larger Text on in the iOS accessibility settings. When there’s not enough space, wrapping should occur so the label remains intelligible.
Also the issue raised for a long time of the maximum font size for stories being too small is still too small as this has unfortunately not changed in this beta. I was very much hoping for a responsive design where the text size would be controllable by pinch zoom.
I have been using Unread which also has a limited set of font sizes but accommodates a bigger font and thought of possibly switching back to the Newblur app as Unread does not yet support the new Safari browser view, however the small font size for XL makes it impossible.