find the folder a feed is placed into

Is there a way fo find in which folder a feed is placed?
I know the “search sites and People” section, but that tells me only that i have subscribed the feed, but not the Folder i’ve placed the feed.


Click “All” at the bottom left (next to the + sign) and you will see your feed and the folder there.

When I “quick search” for a site by name (“g” when on the dashboard), it does show both the folder and feed.

One other approach I’ve used when I forget what feed or folder an item is from is…
1/ get back to Reader Zero (no Unread items)
2/ go to All view, showing Read items, find the item in question and mark it as “unread”
3/ switch back to Unread view.

At this point, only the folder containing the feed with specifically “marked as unread” item should be listed, and there you go.

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Josh, thank you for your answer - “g” works great for me. To be honest I’ve ignored Keyboard shortcuts until now :slight_smile:

Oh, the keyboard shortcuts are great; I basically don’t use the mouse except for one or two corner cases. shift-E, shift-J to focus the first unread folder, j/k to scroll through items, o to open stuff in a new tab, Shift-A to mark all as read, shift-J to the next unread folder, and on and on. Slightly different from Google Reader, but it works well.

I really should make some other way to get to the quick search feature (‘g’ on your keyboard), since it’s not relaly discoverable yet super helpful.

Also, hit ‘?’ to see all of the shortcuts. They’re great.