Feature for monitoring keywords?

Hi, new user here. Still exploring Newsblur (and RSS in general). I’ve tried out several apps (Android and web/browser) and am now trying to decide between Newsblur and Inoreader. Is there a feature in Newsblur (free or paid) similar to the “Monitoring feeds” in Inoreader? I.e. ability to save feeds based on keywords.

I used Inoreader before switching to NewsBlur a few years ago. There may be a better way to do this, but what I do is create a folder of sites where I’m searching just for a specific keyword in an article title and then add intelligence per feed. If one of those keywords appears in the article title, it will show a green number. I view the folder in “Focus” view. This allows me to ignore the rest, but just see the keywords I selected. When done, I mark the keyword folder as read and move back to the “Unread” view.

For the feeds that I want to review, I add intelligence per feed looking for a keyword. That way when I’m looking at a folder, I know an article has something I might want to pay attention to among the other articles I will review.

It’s not the same as Inoreader, but it works.

Hope this helps.

Hi, thanks very much for your reply. I can see how that would work for feeds/sites that I know of and choose to follow, but if I’m not mistaken, Inoreader’s “monitoring feeds” feature scans other sites/feeds too. Here’s a quote from their page about monitoring feeds:

Keep a close eye on publications related to your brand, business, or even yourself by setting up monitoring feeds to scour the internet for incoming articles matching certain keywords and phrases. With this approach, you can get results from feeds you don’t currently follow.

Am I correct in my conclusion that it’s not possible to do this in Newsblur (free or paid)?

I don’t think NewsBlur does that. I think the closest you can come is to set up a Google Alert, but even those are hit or miss and usually a miss because it brings in stuff you don’t want to see.

I would love to support this but it’s a pretty different product. Anyway, even if it were to build it for a keyword across all feeds, it would be expensive to run. Best I can think of it would be as a pro feature with a pretty different interface. There’s just so many products that do this better that I haven’t bothered. But I have wanted to build it, but it’s such a change of focus I haven’t pursued it yet.

Ok, thank you.
You say, “There’s just so many products that do this better that I haven’t bothered.”
→ Would you mind giving me some examples? I’ve subscribed to NewsBlur premium but am still exploring different types of app and RSS in general, so I’d like to take a look.