Duplicated instances of a feed being deleted if just one instance is deleted

  1. Navigate to http://blog.newsblur.com/ & subscribe.

  2. Move feed to a folder “blogs”

  3. A few days later, Ive forgotten that I have this feed already, I find this site again.

  4. Navigate to http://blog.newsblur.com/ & subscribe

  5. It now is on the top of my folders list and also inside the folder “tools”

  6. At this point I remember, I had already added this before & delete the feed that is on the top of my folders list.

  7. The feed from the folder “blogs” disappears also :frowning:

Prolly the first bug, Ive seen, else i LOVE this app.

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Let me take a look … yep, you found a weird corner case. I fixed it in this commit: https://github.com/samuelclay/NewsBlu…


Thank you for the super quick response.

Can now go to bed happy :slight_smile: