Despite Turning Off River View, "River View" With Saved Stories (And Cursor in Feed View Doesn't Follow Title Selection)

I often/periodically see a “river of news” view with “Saved Stories” although I’ve specifically indicated in preferences that I’d like to see one story at a time.

What’s particularly annoying with this view is a display bug of some sort where the view in the feed window doesn’t follow the current title selection – i.e., as I move to a new title, the story isn’t updated in the feed view panel.

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Ah-ha, you need to click a story in the story titles pane. I used to leave the Feed pane blank, but that was confusing. I guess this is more so. I do have a setting for auto-selecting the first story, which you should definitely turn on.

Well, the thing is, in this situation, when I use J or K to navigate through titles, the Feed pane doesn’t move with it.

If the auto-select preference you’re talking about is the “when opening a site, open the first story” preference, then yes, that was already selected.

Ojiikun’s description aptly describes what I’m seeing.