Dark theme flashes a white block on Android App

I love newsblur and the Android App is great. I have one small thing.

I like to use the dark mode (on most apps) and what I am finding is that when I go into a story in the Android app, the story part flashes a white block where it appears the text is going to show up and then goes dark and the text comes in.

What it looks like to me is that the white block that shows up might be the usual thing for the non-dark theme and then it checks the theme and switches to a dark background.

When I am looking at it in the dark that flash of white block is kind of hard on the eyes. Maybe it is just because I have an “old” phone (Galaxy S7) and it doesn’t keep up too well. :slight_smile:

Happens on iOS too! I’m on an iPhone 7 which is four years old now. I’ve been meaning to write a ticket for it and your post helped do it. Thanks!

iOS: https://github.com/samuelclay/NewsBlur/issues/1301
Android: https://github.com/samuelclay/NewsBlur/issues/1302

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