Comment Spammer

Is this the first comment spammer newsblur has seen?

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Thanks, he’s now removed.

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FYI, he’s the second in a year and a half of having sharing.

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Those are great stats! Thanks for taking care of it.

Sigh. Woke up to another case of comment-spam.

[Feb 18 17:52:12]  —> [------] [asu2333] Deleting user: / None

[Feb 18 17:52:12]  —> [------] [asu2333] Unfollowing 0 followings and 0 followers

[Feb 18 17:52:12]  —> [------] [asu2333] Deleting 0 shared stories

[Feb 18 17:52:12]  —> [------] [asu2333] Deleting 1 social subscriptions

[Feb 18 17:52:12]  —> [------] [asu2333] Deleting 0 interactions for user.

[Feb 18 17:52:12]  —> [------] [asu2333] Deleting 17 interactions with user.

[Feb 18 17:52:13]  —> [------] [asu2333] Deleting 18 activities for user.

[Feb 18 17:52:13]  —> [------] [asu2333] Deleting 0 activities with user.

[Feb 18 17:52:13]  —> [------] [asu2333] Deleting 0 starred stories.

[Feb 18 17:52:13]  —> [------] [asu2333] Deleting user: asu2333