Combine multiple feeds into a mixed feed


Many news sites split RSS feeds into multiple feeds based on topic. While some sites still offer a unified feed for all articles, some don’t. For example, The Wall Street Journal lists six separate feeds here without a unified feed, and the only way to subscribe to all of WSJ’s journalism via RSS is to subscribe to all six feeds.

I find it redundant to have multiple feeds for one site, so I tried RSS Mix which combines multiple feeds. The dealbreaker is the terrible uptime: as of this post, it has been down for more than a week.

I personally would love to have this feature built into NewsBlur. Thank you! :smiley:

if you assign all six wsj feeds to a single newsblur folder, you can view the whole folder at once.

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Thanks for the reply, steanne!

I should have clarified that I had indeed considered this solution. The problem is, I would prefer using folders strictly for categories, not sites.

In other words, the feature I requested would allow such a structure, allowing me to read all articles from the same site (WSJ in this example) in a single feed:

- [Folder] Technology
  - [Feed] 9To5Mac
  - [Feed] The Verge
- [Folder] News
  - [Feed] The New York Times
  - [Cmobined feed, aggregated by NewsBlur] The Wall Street Journal

But currently, because I don’t want to use folders to aggregate multiple feeds from the same site, I would have to use such a structure:

- [Folder] Technology
  - [Feed] 9To5Mac
  - [Feed] The Verge
- [Folder] News
  - [Feed] The New York Times
  - [Feed] The Wall Street Journal - Opinion
  - [Feed] The Wall Street Journal - World News
  - [Feed] The Wall Street Journal - U.S. Business

What about a sub folder?

- [Folder] Technology
  - [Feed] 9To5Mac
  - [Feed] The Verge
- [Folder] News
  - [Feed] The New York Times
  - [Sub Folder] The Wall Street Journal
    - [Feed] The Wall Street Journal - Opinion
    - [Feed] The Wall Street Journal - World News
    - [Feed] The Wall Street Journal - U.S. Business
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Color me slightly ashamed and delightfully surprised, because somehow I never realized NewsBlur supports nested folders!