Chrome asks me for the URL in order to add newsblur to the available readers. Whatshould I put in in the the boboxx

 Chrome asks me for the URL in order to add newsblur to the available readers. Whatshould I put in in the the boboxx

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Yep, for future refernece you can check Manage > Goodies > Add custom URL

What does this mean? How is it supposed to work? Does it add newsblur to the selection? So then how do you use it? You have given me a unix command that makes things act in unexpected ways. 

No, I did not gave you a UNIX command. This is just the URL to use in Chrome to add RSS feeds from Chrome pages to Newsblur.

Samuel refers to the path inside Newsblur Web app to get info about using Newsblur through the browser (like Chrome for example).

You need to install this extension first…. to be able to use RSS feeds in Google Chrome but since you ask for a URL, I have assumed that this was already done.

Next, you need to add Newsblur to the list of available services :

  • Right click on the RSS icon in Chrome extension bar
  • Click Options/Settings
  • Click Add
  • First line => Newsblur
  • Second line =>
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