Changing RSS Feed address doesn't stick, 'Fix misbehaving site' comes right back up.

This blog: has its feed at…. In ‘Fix misbehaving site’, after I correct the feed url, the feed works for a while. However, the next day, the site is broken again and the correction to the feed url has been forgotten.


I’ve had this issue too, with a different site but exactly the same symptoms. A workaround is to delete the site completely and re-add it.

But perhaps leave it so Sam can troubleshoot it. To make it easier for him to check can you copy the Newsblur URL when you are viewing that site and paste it here?

Hah, thought that site was interesting so added it myself by providing the feed URL but I ened up with a broken site in Newsblur too. So much for my workaround. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sam, site is…