Can't view rss feed hosted on local computer (localhost=

I’m trying to view a feed running on a server on my laptop.
I get error “This address does not point to an RSS feed or a website with an RSS feed.”
Is it checked from the newsblur server ??
Other viewers has not problem to see it.

1 Like always points to the local computer. Newsblur would look for the adress on its own machine.

The problem ist that newsblur is a server software that’s not running locally on your machine (as your other RSS viewers seem to). You’d have to use your external IP (the one your ISP gives you automatically) in the feed adress for Newsblur to be able to pick it up.

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Hi, Jurgen.
Thanks for your help.
I’m aware that newsblur is a server software.
However it’s also possible that the feeds themselves, are fetched from the local computer.
Looks more reasonable to me that the server stores the urls, but the requests are done on end computers in a distributed way.
I admit I feel too lazy to start “Fiddler”/“Charles” and start checking myself, I prefer an “official” answer.
Are you sure with your answer that all feeds are fetched in the server ?

As explained localhost is on your machine. You have to allow external access to your feed so the newsblur servers can collect the rss data. Either that or run your own version newsblur on your computer.

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Yes. Newsblur doesn’t use your personal computer to download feeds, that’S what the server does.


Hi, Jurgen.
Thanks for your help.
Do you know what is the motivation behind this behavior ?
Why not keep only urls/metadata/ui on server, and let end computers download feed and parse them ?

Why would you create a server solution to make the client do all the work? If all the collecting, sorting, training is down on the web browser it would be slow and pointless in having a server to begin with. Why not just store the urls in your reader app?

Same reason I use gmail, so I can access it on any computer (laptop,living room,work,random) without installing anything, just opening browser.

I guess there is some motivation for having the feeds fetched on server, not clients,
I’m just trying to figure out what is it.

You just answered your own question, server based so you can access anywhere. What if you had to download your gmail messages on every device you wanted to use it on, and say you read a message on PC it would still be unread on phone. Centralise the service.

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> “What if you had to download your gmail messages on every device you wanted to use it on”
Its actually what happens, if u want to read a message on device “X”, it is “downloaded” to device “X”

But I think the example is not correct, because the feeds are not private and sent to only to you.
The server can keep only the main entry url of the feed,
and hashes of the of urls of the feeds that you read,
and send this information so the client can download actual feeds.

“downloaded” … “LOL”

gmail interacts with mail servers, and you interact with it using whatever services you use (imap? https?).  if you ran your own mail server on, and wanted it to retrieve your email from your server, you’d also need to give it an external ip

As everybody else mentioned, this isn’t possible. But I did at one point consider using a decentralized model for feed fetching, using the user’s machines to fetch feeds. Unfortunately, it’s a nonstarter because everybody’s machine is built a little bit differently, and the amount of fetching that has to happen is astronomical. I pay $$$ in monthly server hosting bills almost exclusively for the ability to fetch and parse around 100 feeds every single second.

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When you figure out how to install your RSS feed on Samuel Clay’s server, then you can point to all you want. I’m sure for enough money he’d do it…money can solve any problem.

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If you pay for a static IP, your ISP can hook you up and then you can run your web server off your own box. Back when I remember paying for that in the 2000s it was $5/month. Otherwise, DynDNS is an option.

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Or consider paying $5/month to Digital Ocean and then you get a box in the sky.



It was quite clear to from the beginning that can be accessed only from my pc, and not from the server, looks too obvious to discuss.

I’m still missing the objective for using the server for fetch, maybe I need more coffee.
Let’s say I’m subscribed to
When I log in to newsblur, it sends the client machine the url
The client fetches the feed and displays it.
For each item it reports to server the url/hashcode of item.
The server stores this list, and on next login will send it together with url
So to prevent showing already read/deleted items etc.
The list can be compacted based on dates/time span, etc.
So server keeps all information/ui/etc, but the fetch is on clients.

Ok so what is not going to work in the explained above ?
(Assuming I dont want to see items from 2 years ago which are not in feed anymore,
but still kept on server - I dont know even if you support showing them)

BTW, the reason I was trying the local rss is to try and transform a forum which doesn’t supply RSS to RSS, I think you do it for YouTube if I’m not mistaken.

Thanks for your help.

That is not how it works. You say to newsblur “I’m interested in”. Newsblur says “Great” and puts it in a list of feeds to fetch on a schedule. I imagine there might be some ranking on the backend, the more people request a feed the more it gets checked for updates.

When you log into newsblur and click cnn it shows you the latest fetch that the newsblur server performed.

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But that would still require him to leave laptop on all the time for polling? If he’s the only feed user the polling would not be infrequent as to never actually get the data.