Trying to add this feed:
It’s valid RSS, but NewsBlur keeps failing, reporting “This address does not point to an RSS feed or a website with an RSS feed.”
Trying to add this feed:
It’s valid RSS, but NewsBlur keeps failing, reporting “This address does not point to an RSS feed or a website with an RSS feed.”
I’m having a similar problem. My RFD rss feeds stopped working around Nov 1st. No idea why.
I think this is very low on the RFD admin’s priority list to fix. They have known about it for a couple weeks now and have been silent except for a post saying “contact us”. The developer of Newsblur (Sam) did and still nothing. Maybe if more people start chirping about it on the RFD forums it will get fixed.
And the post on RFD:
Yep, please keep posting on their forums and emailing them. As an admin myself, I know how vocal users can turn the tides on things like this.