Cancel membership

Is it possible to cancel my premium membership and get a refund? I made my account today and have been dissatisfied with the service it provides. Several of my feeds take quite some time update, which completely defeats the purpose of the tool so I’d like to cancel my membership and be refunded the amount for subsequent months if possible.

Thank you.

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Feeds update based on the number of users that are subscribed, but you can always use the “Insta-fetch stories” tool.

I didn’t know that, thanks. Now I’m looking at the statistics of each of my feeds. Very interesting to see how many people are subscribed to each feed.

How often does your feed update? For my private feeds (e.g. youtube sub, private links), it’s updated 1-1.5 hours. Far away from instant, but still an order of magnitude better than Google Reader. I am quite happy about that.

Insta-fetch won’t work well if you have many feeds. I hope there will be a way to do insta-fetch across all feeds by hitting a single button. To reduce server load, it can be limited to once per hour, or even more aggressive. Even if I can only do this once a day, that’s good enough for me. (I clear all my feeds once a day, and they are not that time sensitive. )

You probably want to wait for a day or so to see your feeds updated more frequently. When I just upgraded, the feeds aren’t refreshed instantly either.

When you upgrade, your feeds are all scheduled to be updated so that they are set to the new premium speeds. You should also never have to Insta-fetch, as your feeds are being constantly updated. Anyway, if you still want a refund (and good luck getting your feeds to update elsewhere nearly as fast as NewsBlur), send me an email with your username: