Can no longer find items marked as read

I can’t figure out how to look up something marked as read, like within the last minutes. I can no longer find the control for that.

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At the feed level, I believe you need to switch the filter option to All Stories.

Thank you. Yes, I am at the feed level. The only options I now have when I right click on a feed are:

  • Mark As Read
  • Insta-Fetch Stories
  • Statistics
  • Intelligence Trainer
  • Site Settings
  • Move To Folder
  • Rename This Site
  • Delete This Site

There was once an option when right clicking to view both unread and read, but that is now missing.

It’s moved to the top right of the story titles pane.

Okay, I’ve got it now. I had minimized the window so much that I could not see the option. Thank you very much!!

Also, any chance of adding a “Open In New Tab” option to the right click menus of a news item? I tend to open a bunch of them and read them at once before going back to Newsblur for more - no big deal, just a nicety.

I don’t get that luxury, unfortunately. It’s controlled by your browser. So you’ll probably have to middle click or hold command while clicking to have it open in a new tab. Alternatively, you can set the Preferences setting to open all links in new windows and then handle new windows in your browser settings.

Yes, control-left click does open in a new tab. I guess we keep learning. Thank you much!