Bookmarklet not working anymore on YouTube

Hi, the bookmarklet to save a url to Newsblur does not work anymore. It opens as expected but when clicking “Save this story”, I always get “Sorry, but there was an error trying to save this story.”. I tried adding the bookmarklet again in case it was updated but problem is still there.

On another note, is there any other way to save a URL found on the net to read later in Newsblur without going through the bookmarklet ??? I can’t find a way to do this directly in Newsblur. I would expect to be able to click on “Saved stories” and have some kind of add menu there directly.

Thanks for looking into this !

Looks like it’s working fine on sites that don’t break it. What’s the url of the page where it doesn’t work?

I just tried it and it’s still doing a good job of pulling all the relevant data.

Hi, I only save for later YouTube videos. For example :
I have the problem on all Youtube videos.

Hello ?

Were you able to confirm that the bookmarklet is not working on youtube website ?

Thanks !

Yeah it’s not working on YT but I don’t know if I’ll be able to fix it. You can subscribe to the YT feed in NewsBlur and then re-share that way, but I know it’s not ideal.

That’s what I usually do. Hence why I have all my “To watch later” youtube videos in Newsblur. So when I stumble upon one I’d like to save, I want to save it also in Newsblur and not Youtube playlist.

Thanks anyway for having looked into this, thought I was crazy being the only one with this problem.

Have a great day!