Atlantic feed - old text in story view

On the Atlantic’s feed, certain posts are showing text in story view that was loaded a few weeks ago in an unrelated post. It’s the same text each time. Other posts on the same feed work just fine in story view. Example image attached.

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Hmm, I just introduced a change to how non-english characters are handled in the Text View. I wonder if it is having this effect. I just pushed it out yesterday. Was this an issue before yesterday?

Yes, I started noticing it recently but before yesterday. Unfortunately I can’t say if it was before or after 5.0 came out, sorry.

Only in this feed, right? Are the stories short by any chance? Do the permalinks go to a common page?

Hmm, yes, I think it has just been happening in this feed but I’ll keep an eye out. The stories are on the shorter side I suppose. For example two stories I’ve noticed this behaviour with tonight are:…


Not a common page.

As an update: this problem is continuing and is easily seen on a daily basis with the feed’s “Orbital View” series of posts, eg:…

Technically that’s the Text view (and the default is the Story view). The buttons take you to that view. The web app’s Feed view is the iOS app’s Story view. The web app’s Story view is the iOS Original view. And there’s no iOS view for the web’s Original view. Yeah.

Anyway, I can’t find the story. I’ve checked two Atlantic feeds, but neither had it. What’s the url of the site when you open it on the web?

Yes, sorry, agree it’s an issue in text view and not story view.  The feed id URL is:

Ah-ha, that’s just an issue with short articles. Unfortunately there’s nothing I can do, apart from regularly update Readability, the library I use to extract text. This is also why I make it easy to switch back and forth b/w text and feed.

Oh, never mind. That looks like it may be a different bug. I’ll clear out the Text view cache when a story is updated. Thanks for reporting this!

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