Android + windows: Daily tab or button

From each folder or category the 10 latest unread (preferred, green category) stories of the day, preferably one from each feed, are shown.
For quicker browsing (multiple times).

app version: 13.4.0
android version: 15 (AP4A.250205.002)
device: Google Pixel 7 Pro (cheetah)
sqlite version: 3.44.3
username: jrpost
server: default
speed: 189 feeds in conn:3963 read:65 parse:63 store:33
pending actions: pre:0 post:0
premium: yes
prefetch: no
notifications: no
keepread: no
thumbs: yes

Well the dashboard is basically this. You can customize the dashboard to include many folders, and each folder can have a different number of stories. That way you get the feed you’re looking for.

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You can tell I’m a new user.

How about the Android app?

We’re just now getting around the building the dashboard in the Mac app. I’m not sure if it’s going to get into the iPad app but probably next and then I would like to see the android app but the problem is android tablets aren’t a thing and you need a large screen real estate to be able to make it work

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Maybe swiping left or right to make a two or more column lay-out feasible?
Just a thought.