Android app?

Hanoran, don’t forget to let me know if you’d like any additional endpoints or modified data coming from the API. I’d love to help out.

Also, there’s a bug that been bugging me: often times the same story_id is sent to /reader/mark_story_as_read. Can you perform a check to not send an already read story to mark_story_as_read? Sometimes the story_id is sent twice win the very same request (in a story_id[] list), so it may be something simple.

Thanks Samuel, I’ll be sure to let you know if I think of anything when I get back to work on the app.

I’ll look into that bug as well.

Hi Hanoran,

Thanks for your response. I just submitted a couple reports from the app.

When I started the app I immediately got a force close. I sent the report. Then got a force close right away. Then I clicked “Force close” and it opened the app to a blank which screen. After a couple seconds it says “Login successful” but the screen remains blank.

By the way, I figured out that even though it says I can’t read all feeds because I don’t have premium account if I proceed (click “Load more”) it works anyway. This makes the app much more usable for me (when the app isn’t crashed).

Despite the issues I really appreciate your effort and response! Thank you!


Thanks for sending the crash report, I’ll try to fix the issue soon. I’ll do my best to fix the rest of the issues in the near future as well.

These issues should be fixed in version 2.00, pushed to the market yesterday. Please let me know if you still have trouble.