Android App Improvements?

I like NewsBlur as I see it as the only Google Reader replacement able to satisfy my needs. The current web interface seems to me to be even better than the Google Reader. However, at least as important as the web interface is mobile phone / tablet Android client. In fact, I read RSS more on my phone in public transport than anywhere else. And I am afraid both the current official and alternative Android app is hardly usable. By far less useful than the Google Reader app. Are there any plans for significant Android app improvements? I think this is super important piece of the NewsBlur platform.


The developer has stated the Android app needs massive updates and is a high priority going forward. He was recently on twitter looking for android developers as well - so it looks like its being addressed currently, hopefully sooner then later. Either way everyone is quite aware of how lacking the Android client is, I feel your pain!

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Try News+, which syncs with NewsBlur. It’s a pretty nice looking app and is actively supported.

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I just installed News+ instead - so far it seems waaaaaaay better (plus it supports offline reading!)

The real Newsblur app has gotten so bad - it consistently has trouble marking stories as read, won’t load stories properly and generally seems to be going backwards rather than forwards.

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Regaring News+ - While working offline if we mark / unmark a feed as read in news+, does it updates the status on newsblur site when we go online.

I was facing the above problem 3-4 months back. Is the issue sorted out ?

Regaring News+ - While working offline if we mark / unmark a feed as read in news+, does it updates the status on newsblur site when we go online.

I was facing the above problem 3-4 months back. Is the issue sorted out ?