Android app crashes on startup on Android L.

I know it’s only been out for like 7 hours now, but I thought I would let you know that the Android app crashes on startup on Android L Developer Preview.


Gotcha, thanks! We’ll have it fixed, no doubt.

I sent in a crash report. The sign in screen comes up fine, but once I’ve signed in it always crashes.

I knew what I was getting into when I installed a dev preview on my device. If you need any help testing, let me know.

(…) :wink:

Annoyingly, GOOG won’t yet let devs filter crash reports by the “L” preview release, so tracking this down could take some time until they update their tools.

FWIW, some manual browsing through reports suggests that many of the crashes are actually platform/native crashes, probably due to ART. If you are advanced enough to be running the pre-dev roms, you might take a crack at compiling the app with the pre-dev build tools. All source is located right here:…

If it’s an ART bug, it’s one that wasn’t present in the ART preview on KitKat…I was running the NB app there without any issues.

FWIW, I did a quick build against updated tools, and got the same crash. It occurs to me, though, that I didn’t change the targetSdkVersion…will try that later.

Also, if you’re compiling the Android source (which is easy and has two vendorized dependencies you just need to link) you’ll get the new dark theme, which will be launching in a week and a half, as I’m out of town all next week.

As a followup: I’ve tried building master with the android-L/API-20 tools, and while it builds successfully, I still get the same crash post-login.

… it has kind of been a while and no fix released.

I wouldn’t expect it to be until L is actually released.

Good timing, just released a fix 10 minutes before you posted this.