Android 4.0.0.b2: Unsaving story doesn't work properly

  1. Save some stories
  2. Go to ‘Saved Stories’
  3. Pick a story
  4. Hit ‘Unsave Story’
  5. You stay in that story view, and get the ‘Story unsaved’ notificiaton
  6. Tap on the title to visit the story
  7. This opens a different story than the one you’re viewing
  8. Return to story view, note that the button is still labelled ‘Unsave this story’
  9. Hit ‘Unsave Story’ again
  10. This unsaves a different story than the one you’re viewing
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Beta 3 just hit. Try now.

Still see this with 4.0.0.b3.

Good catch. Fixing now.

Fixed in b4 - thanks!