Anandtech post recorded with the wrong date?

One of the feeds I am following is Anandtech ( They have a recent article on POWER8 CPUs ( which shows a date of “Thu, 21 Jul 2016 08:45:00 EDT”. However, I do not recall ever seeing this item in my unread river view. It’s possible I simply missed it…

Anyway, the part I found strange is that I managed to find an entry in NewsBlur by searching for “power8”, and there is an entry, but it has a date of “Tuesday, June 28th 2016 1:26pm”, which is several weeks earlier that what the RSS feed lists. Also the NewsBlur entry has the title “Assessing the IBM Power8”, but the feed shows “Assessing IBM’s POWER8, Part 1: A Low Level Look at Little Endian”.

Why is the date so far off in NewsBlur? Is this why I did not see any entry in my unread river?

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I believe it was the feed that did that. They probably either backdated a story or republished it.

Yeah, that seems believable. Would the date confusion have prevented it from appearing in the unread, all feeds view? Does it get filtered out for being too old or something?

Probably, since the mark_as_read date of your subscription moves up to meet the oldest unread.

Aha, makes sense! Thanks for the explanation.