Allow me access to the original item's URL as a link I can use my browser's right-click menu with

Not entirely certain how to phrase this, so I’ll illustrate it with an example use case for which I’d need access to my browser’s right-click menu.

I follow an RSS feed for a site that lists awesome ties. I’m reading this RSS feed through NewsBlur on my brother’s laptop, and I see an article about an awesome tie I want to buy him.

My brother knows how the browser history works, so I need to access the URL of that article through my browser’s incognito mode in order to keep the tie a secret.

Therefore I want to be able to right-click on a link to the original article and access my browser’s right-click menu, so I can open the link in an incognito window.


Right-click the title of the item, or click on the little arrow that appears on the left of the title on mouse-over. A little menu will show up with a few options, the first of them being OPEN that shows the URL of the original post. Click on that, copy and paste it on your browser, and you’re good to go.

Yes, that’s the current workaround. Which ain’t great, as my browser’s right-click menu has a lot of other options in it, many of which aren’t accesible via copied-and-pasted URL.