A Couple Bugs: Share and Save buttons stop working, Resharing Comment

  1. Just noticed this today (6/22/13), on the website, I can share and save an article…then for any subsequent article, the buttons no longer do anything…

A refresh will let me share another first article, but the bug just continues after that.

A similar issue has existed on the iOS app too where the button deactivates after a bit. Not sure on the use case that causes that though. I am using the latest update. Initially, the disabled button bug was only on the ipad, but with the latest update, I see it more on the iphone now.

2)I noticed another bug on my ipad (just once so far), where I reshared an article my friend had shared, and it autofilled his comment into my comment box. Not a big deal, I just deleted it and added my comments and shared…but then when I went to share (or reshare, can’t remember) another article, it included that same original comment prefilled. Didn’t pursue it much further, closed the app, walked away, haven’t check it on my ipad since. Will provide an update if I run across again.


I use Firefox and the Train, Share and Save buttons have stopped working for me as well in the last few days. The keyboard shortcuts still work, but not the buttons. Please help!