403’s from four sites now:
You’ll want to email the publisher to ask them to add NewsBlur to their Cloudflare robot whitelist: Feed Retrieval Problems: 403 Errors - #8 by samuelclay
Or the IP addresses of newsblur?
What are those IP addresses?
Who is their publisher?
I do not know the answers to those questions.
Gonna rant a little here: I pay for newsblur and I’ve been happy with it for many years. It’s a good app and does what I need to follow news, but this is a little old. I’m paying you and part of that payment should cover the developer (and his assistants) working to fix problems as they are raised. This is not a problem I initiated-if it was I’d be happy to correct what I’d need to. But it’s not, this is an issue with how newsblur is interacting with other web sites. I didn’t initiate these problems. This is also not the first time I’ve been asked to work on problems with the app and certain web sites, and it’s old. So, no, I’m not going to do the legwork. That’s your job. Convince me why I should not go to another platform…
The issue is that other platforms have the same issue. Cloudflare is blocking news readers when they shouldn’t be. Here’s a ticket on their site that explains the issue: https://community.cloudflare.com/t/cloudflare-blocking-some-feed-readers-from-accessing-armenian-rss-feeds/226111
Individual site owners are setting their bot blocker too strict and it’s up to them to tone it down. Cloudflare is doing no favors to the internet community by blocking legit bots like NewsBlur and other news readers.
That’s all well and good, but, again, I’m not sure why a problem between cloudflare and newsblur is my problem, any more than a problem between a Dell motherboard and the Intel chipset would be my problem - that would be Dells & Intels problem to generate a fix, not me.
I’m a paying subscriber, I’ve alerted you to a problem that’s apparently between your app, which I’m paying for, and another internet service and politely asking you to fix it.
So far I’ve been very patient since posting my first alerts several days ago…
I’m always happy to offer a refund, as there’s not much else I can do. I try contacting individual publishers and let them know, but I’ve only heard back from a few who actually follow through and unblock NewsBlur. It’s an uphill battle.
I hear ya. I’m not looking for a refund, but I am willing to let it ride for now and see how it goes.