Windows Phone 8 Apps not Connecting to NewsBlur from June 16

Neither of my Windows Phone 8 apps are able to connect to NewsBlur as of June 16. They have worked okay for weeks but getting a “Connectivity error, check user name / password” error even after copy and pasting the login information again.


They should be getting updates soon. They weren’t declaring a User Agent (unlike most of the other third-party apps and first-class native apps), so they were inadvertently blocked when a rogue client which also lacked a User Agent went berserk and started hitting the API 50 times a second.

Okay cool, glad to hear.

Any idea when this will be resolved?

Hi, the developers of the software have to push out updates. I emailed the guy who handles Feed Reader on Sunday I believe he said it would take 2 to 3 days for another update to hit the Marketplace. So hopefully by Wednesday or Thursday it will be sorted out.

I did not contact any other program developers.