That’s very interesting, thanks for the link to Readwise. Currently I use Pocket to save longer articles from the web or Newsblur, but that could be a neat alternative.
In my case in Newsblur, my subscribed feeds are a varied mix rather than just high-throughput.
I think for me I’d rather that the prompt was more deliberative rather than telling me why I should read an article, it should try to consider whether it is worth my time. I’m trying to quickly discard anything that isn’t worthwhile with the minimum time and cognitive load.
Most articles (and most of the web generally) are already trying to get you to read/click, and it is time consuming and distracting to wade through everything.
You could consider my desire to use LLMs in Newsblur as being mainly to replace Intelligence Trainer (IT), with 3 approaches depending on how autonomously it can do so for different feeds/topics (numbered to link to my previous reply):
- (3) LLM custom prompt just decides to surface/hide article, straight IT replacement, fully autonomous.
- (2) LLM gives summary of collection of stories as a group, I’ll get an overview and also I will see if there was a mention of something that I might want to delve into more deeply. Too broad for IT to decide what’s relevant.
- (1) LLM summarises each story individually - where I cannot trust the LLM/IT to make the judgement for me, I want it to boil down the info to the minimum relevant to me so I can decide quickly by skimming through all the summaries.
I already actively reject feeds, subscriptions and social media accounts specifically because I don’t have enough time to keep on top of everything.
So If I could configure Newsblur to help me efficiently process the incoming data, I could add more sources.
Another useful feature would be able to configure whether the summary for a specific feed is triggered automatically or manually. I would set some to automatic, and others to be only “on-demand” when I realise I’ve built up a backlog after a busy period of having no time for feeds.