Unsubscribed feeds still show up in homepage All Site Stories dashboard river

I had a few subscriptions to some Feedburner feeds, where the owner (unwisely) deleted the feed, and it got picked up by spammers. I moved my subscription to the owner’s new feed source, but now I am still seeing the spam feed in the dashboard river. So it seems that unsubscribing from a feed does not update the flow of data to Redis?

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Nice catch! Not only that, but if you were reading a feed and marked another feed as read, your current feed would look like it was marked as read (but it wouldn’t stick). 

Just deployed a fix. Thanks for the great bug report!

What’s the feed? And your username?

Whoops, wrong thread for my top comment. Ignore that one…

The work-around in this thread seems like it works? https://getsatisfaction.com/newsblur/topics/feed_deleted_from_sidebar_posts_still_show_up_in_all_sit…

I re-added the feed, then removed it again. So far I have not seen more spam posts, previously I was seeing about half the stories be spam about half the time I looked at the dashboard river. I’ll keep watching it.

The original feed was http://feeds.feedburner.com/AllAtlassianBlogs

Username is wmorrell