Training at folder level

Hey Samuel,
First off, thanks for making such a great product! I use it everyday. And training is one of my favorite features. It really distinguishes Newsblur from other similar products.

I tend to use folders a lot for organizing my feeds. As a feature request, it would be nice if I could set up training at the folder level as opposed to the feed level. At lot of times I want to flag articles with certain keywords for all the feeds in a particular folder. Currently, there doesn’t appear to be a way to do that so I end up with a lot of duplicate training.

What do you think?


I think that’s a great idea and would love to implement it. I’ve got a ticket up that will get worked on as soon as I get around to hiring a web dev to pick these new features up. Here’s the ticket:

I came here to post the same question/suggestion, lol. Are we any closer to making this a reality?

I group my feeds into certain folders/categories (news, gaming, science, etc) so being able to train at the folder level would be a huge help. I might have 20+ feeds in a given folder, any one of which could post on the topic I’d train on. Training the folder once, vs 20+ feeds individually, is a huge time saver.