Train based on regex

I signed up just to say yes – sort of. More like, AI site/feed/article summaries and the ability to train text from the body are what sounded good to me. Fiddling with regex is partly why I subscribed here, I was self-hosting miniflux for the last few years. The “training” mechanism here is much more user-friendly, but seems limited to title, author and tags.

For example, ZeroHedge is a good source of behind the scenes financial news. (That enormous jobs revision that landed recently? They predicted that based on the same underlying data months earlier) Outside of that, the signal to noise ratio there is kind of lousy for me personally, and unfortunately they don’t tag their articles well and the true author is typically put in the body text. Being able to filter text from the body would do a lot to clean up that feed.

There is an open github ticket to allow training text from the body from 2020 that was high priority, did that get put on the back burner?