Suspend a site or folder

When going on vacation I typically don’t want to read certain feeds which are work-related or feature daily news. Instead I would prefer to suspend certain sites or folders for a given time and re-enable it once I’m back from my vacation. This could also happen on a folder basis, which would make things even easier.

Deleting the sites temporary or using the intelligence trainer is not really a solution, because I’m still interested in the sites just not now.


So any stories that come in during that time are marked as read? I’m not sure I follow what’s happening with the feed while it’s on suspension.

Why don’t you just mark the feeds as read when you get back? Probably less work than suspending it when you leave, and re-enabling when you get back.

When a feed is on suspension it should just not be updated at all. When I re-enable it, I get all “missed” stories at once and can choose if I want to catch up or just mark everything as read.

@Andrew: During vacation I typically check NewsBlur every once in a while, but I want to reduce the amount of stories. For example I don’t want to read daily news when checking NewsBlur every 2-3 days. However I also don’t want to remove these sites, when I’m enjoying a two week vacation.

Thanks a lot for actually making this happen :slight_smile:


Nice. Would be a lot more useful if we could access this from the feed’s dropdown instead of the Manage->Mute page though.

I agree with Will and I also would prefer that the feeds are still listed in the all feeds pane but “greyed out” or with a red icon etc. So you don’t forget that you muted a site some time ago. Maybe this behavior can be adjusted over a preference (“show muted feeds on/off”).

I also did a test and didn’t understand what the “Enable all X sites” button is doing. When I open the preferences the button says “Enable all 159 sites”. When I mute one of the sites and re-open the dialog, the button says “Enable all 158 sites”. Clicking the button does not change anything the one muted site stays muted.