When going on vacation I typically don’t want to read certain feeds which are work-related or feature daily news. Instead I would prefer to suspend certain sites or folders for a given time and re-enable it once I’m back from my vacation. This could also happen on a folder basis, which would make things even easier.
Deleting the sites temporary or using the intelligence trainer is not really a solution, because I’m still interested in the sites just not now.
When a feed is on suspension it should just not be updated at all. When I re-enable it, I get all “missed” stories at once and can choose if I want to catch up or just mark everything as read.
@Andrew: During vacation I typically check NewsBlur every once in a while, but I want to reduce the amount of stories. For example I don’t want to read daily news when checking NewsBlur every 2-3 days. However I also don’t want to remove these sites, when I’m enjoying a two week vacation.
I agree with Will and I also would prefer that the feeds are still listed in the all feeds pane but “greyed out” or with a red icon etc. So you don’t forget that you muted a site some time ago. Maybe this behavior can be adjusted over a preference (“show muted feeds on/off”).
I also did a test and didn’t understand what the “Enable all X sites” button is doing. When I open the preferences the button says “Enable all 159 sites”. When I mute one of the sites and re-open the dialog, the button says “Enable all 158 sites”. Clicking the button does not change anything the one muted site stays muted.