Subscriptions sporadically get dropped

Every once in a while, I lose a single subscription I had. I was subscribed to the feed, but I just noticed that subscription had spontaneously disappeared. This has happened before with the same feed a year or so ago too. Known problem?

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The good news is that it’s just Daring Fireball. Unfortunately, it’s because something gets mixed up and the feed actually has something like “Redirect to this other URL” and NewsBlur doesn’t argue.

The other good news is that I have a script running that fixes the issue and is now re-creating those subscriptions for everybody. It should finish within the hour.

I lost hacker news today. Maybe the script needs to be run again or is it another issue?

This is the Hacker News feed I’ve got:

Me Too… lost hacker news.  On the plus side, should be a productive day!

I also lost Hacker News.

I have lost HackerNews as well.

HackerNews gone here too… what should we do? Add it again or will it come back by itself?

I don’t understand? How can a subscription just disappear??? I have a lot of feeds, what if other subscriptions disappeared… This is a big problem! Can someone from NewsBlur please let us know what’s going on.