Story from deleted feed appears with green in blurblog I follow

Hi. Today I noticed that a story from a feed that I previously trained with green and then deleted appeared in a blurblog I follow still with green. Is this expected behaviour? I would expect that stories from feeds that I previously had but subsequently deleted would dissapear from training on my account.

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Training was messed up on blurblogs. I made a large scale fix to this last week. Let me know if it’s still an issue.

Hi. I still experience this. It happens with the Io9 site which I followed at some point and trained Newsblur to mark it green then deleted and now I notice that stories from this appear with green in “The People Have Spoken” feed and in some of my friend’s feeds.

Training never gets deleted. You’ll have to untrain it if you want to to no longer show up in green. Easy enough, just right-click the story title.

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Ah, ok. Easy enough, I untrained the story, all’s good now.

Thanks for clearing this up.